Goodness what a long time it has been since I have had the time to add anything. What has been happening, nothing, surprise surprise. How is it that I manage to be in my mid twenties but never seem to have anything to occupy my self with, I suppose that's the penalty I pay for being a spinster, it's a blessing and a curse at times. Perhaps it's time to develop my secret super hero identity 'Spinster woman'. She may not be the life of a party but beware she may unleash her inner Nana then no one will be safe, music to loud? no problem spinster woman can complain louder and set off a guilt trip that would have even the most unruly of us all falling in to tow the line.
It's the weekend and I'm sure that I have some vacuuming to do of something.
Wonder if it's time to get a cat?
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