Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I've had a really weird day today, I'm feeling a little disconnected as happens sometimes. Nothing in particular happened I sort of got to work this morning then it was lunch time and now I'm still here after home time. Like I say weird. All day I have had the feeling that I'm really some where else and I'm sure that where ever that part of me is sitting on a beach sipping a rum beverage and not really caring that I'm not all together. Wow how deep was that for a Wednesday afternoon. I have nearly worked up the energy to haul my fat ass home to sit on the couch so I can watch some telly and complain that there is nothing to watch. Might watch some 'Deadwood' on DVD. Ooh but I will most likely finish the teddy bear that I'm knitting at the moment. He he he bet you didn't know that I had tapped into my inner Nana and knit for pleasure, yep I'm that kinda kinky. Hehehehe Kinky hehehe.

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